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A Leader's Seating


  • A Rhydon from Fire Island arrives to the Blizzard Islands to seek out negotiations, hoping to connect the Grass and Sand continents. To achieve this, he must convince the three guardian leaders of the island with a project that establishes commerce between the regions… and thus he shall appeal to the different natures of these Pokémon.



The story follows a company of Pokémon from Fire Volcano Island. Rhydon intends to establish a commerce route with Blizzard Islands in order to reach the Grass Continent; but to achieve this, he must sell this project to the newly established leaders of Blizzard Islands, and reach agreements so that both communities work together.

The story is split into four “Scenes”:

Beach Scene

Sets up Rhydon arriving at the island, at a central cave with four seats for the guardians of the islands. But the guardians are absent as they are out working in the field, and Rhydon is sent out to convince each one individually.

Rhydon and his accompanying Pansear go to the nearby beach to speak to the guardian of the coast, Bessa the Tentacruel. She demands that if Fire Island intends to use Blizzard Island as a port to reach the Grass Continent, Blizzard Island has to be compensated with guard construction and docks for the land (or water) and effort they are putting into the venture.

Storage Scene

Rhydon goes about looking for combatants to protect the shipments. For this he goes talk to Dalvin the Prinplup guardian, known to be a great fighter. But Dalvin is not interested in fighting, occupied instead with teaching the locals the ways of the Grass Continent on matters of resource managing and bookkeeping. Dalvin explains that that the project Rhydon brings in, has to compensate Blizzard Island locals for using the locals' dens and nurseries as room for storage. Rhydon agrees to designate a compensation stipend so that Blizzard Island can perform trades on their own.

Dalvin deflects an attempt to hire him as a combatant and points out the third guardian would be willing to assist with that.

Altar Scene

Rhydon reaches to the areas within the Altar of Ice to speak with a Beartic guardian who fights and also trains fighters. Beartic is eager to “appropriate” the call and instantly submits his own students also, demanding for his approval of the project that his school is set up with recurrent journeys to the continent as guardians so that they can train and learn new experiences.

Chairs Scene

Finally Rhydon and Beartic move to the central caves, where Rhydon learns there is no such thing as a fourth guide – in fact, in Beartic's words, there's “barely one” as the seats were put there by the Delibird population as a show and as for inspiring unity across Blizzard Islands.

Beartic offers Rhydon a position as such a “guardian”, the de-facto fourth of the group, as he was the one to come up with a project to unite the peoples of the island and improve their lives. Rhydon is implied to take the offering and assume the position of guardian.



The story takes place at various locations in Blizzard Island. The altar (from PMD: Super) and Mt. Avalanche (from PMD: Explorers) are also named and featured in the story. The Crevice dungeon is referred to, but not named or shown in the story.

The Deep Ocean Tunnel is hinted to and the Fire Island Volcano is mentioned in the story, and are two locations relevant to the encompassing plot.


With Dalvin being a Prinplup and mention of attempts to establish commerce forming a chain that connects Sahra Town, Fire Island Volcano, Blizzard Islands and the Grass Continent, the story is at best established to take place sometime between Dalvin's retirement from Team Solarz and the events of Beyond Today. This give a margin of about 5 to 10 years after the events of Explorers and most likely during or directly after the events of Super.

With the establishment of the western colonies such as Fire Island Volcano, parallel to the events of Super, there was an increased interest in trade between the communities of the west and east sides of the sea of the southern hemisphere (the continents of the northern hemisphere are better connected). As Blizzard Islands grew in population and they had more need for food and trade, the mons living there made attempts to establish self-governance.

One such attempts had the Delibird take front seat in the inner politics of the islands and seek out and recruit a number of Pokémon, instituting them in the positions of “guides” which are more or less teachers and representatives for the community. As explained by the Beartic “guide”, this was mostly an enterprise by the Delibird, but by the time of this story it seems to have taken well enough.

One of the Delibird in the island also mention that there's been lots of contract offerings for Dalvin but that “that never works”, which would suggest there's been other failed hiring offerings before this story and thus the story takes place later than earlier within the 5-10 years timeframe discussed above.



A Leader's Seating
A Leader's Seating
El Puesto de un Líder
A Rhydon from Fire Island arrives to the Blizzard Islands to seek out negotiations, hoping to connect the Grass and Sand continents. To achieve this, he must convince the three guardian leaders of the island with a project that establishes commerce between the regions… and thus he shall appeal to the different natures of these Pokémon.
Primary: Thousand Roads (2023 Drabble Bingo)
Others: Archive of Our Own (2023)
Bulbagarden (2023)
pmd, fantasy, folklore
Rhydon, Bessa, Dalvin, Beartic

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