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Suocé Naming Customs

This mostly covers human names.

Across the region of Suocé there are a number of naming customs and schemas taken by various families and communities. For the most part they are derived from IRL European naming schemes, with a number of adaptations.

Schemas by Locale

In general a person born in Suocé is given a name, or two names, as well as the family names of their father and mother in that order, or otherwise of their legal father guardian first and any other guardian second. Different naming schemes are used by various immigrant communities defined by their locale or their origin.

People born in the Cadrícean Sovereignty from a Suocéan parent can opt it, upon becoming a Trainer, to a special naming scheme though this has largely gone out of custom.

In the southern end of the region, naming customs from Acrasia and Caledoria have become common in the last few decades.


Heritage Particles

In a number of provinces and communities mostly in the southern and south-eastern side of the region of Suocé, and continuing into Acrasia and the eastern border of Caledoria, there is a custom for youth to take, at any time after reaching legal adulthood, a “heritor” or “heritage particle” into their legal name. This legal particle is chosen by the individual according to a listing of particles to which every citizen is eligible according to a number of conditions; any individual may carry only one of such heritors. Parts of the region where this custom is in use include Javise, Lete, Désona, Ilvandúe and the towns north of Cadrícea, right outside the Sovereignty.

The heritor is attached by the last given name, before the family name, and is present in all legal documents. Taking an heritor is required for some legal procedures, such as receiving inheritance, transferring (but not receiving) domain of lands and taking (but not candidating to) public office.

An heritor is a shorthand intended to describe the upbringing, education or filial situation of the individual for other members in their community to pay mind to as a means of respect, or to provide support. Some examples of heritors that people can opt in to and their approximate meanings include:

  • “emd”, meaning “to the image of their parent”, indicating that the individual is largely considered, or considers themself to be, the very image of one of their parents.
  • “ben”, meaning “was” or “has been”, available for people who have previously changed their legal name.
  • “bia” and “biná”, meaning “contestant”, made available to regular Trainers who have reached the Local Championship a number of years in a row.
  • “cér”, meaning “to become”, indicating that the individual intends to take as inheritance and procure the continuation of the family business.
  • “goel” and “goli”, meaning “at service”, available for individuals who assume public office.
  • “ins”, meaning “by the family of”, taken by adopted children to indicate they are content with their adopting family.
  • “leja”, meaning “of far away”, taken by some immigrants to indicate that they dearly miss or appreciate their country of origin.
  • “soci” and “sol”, meaning “raised by their community”, indicating that the individual takes honour and prestige in having been raised in the education system of their municipality or province.

For example, Irma cér Cantos took her “cér” heritor once she assumed the Vice Presidency of her mother's company, Malidar Taxis, as a not very subdued warning to competing investors expecting to buy the company. Machalí sol Linaros took the “sol” heritor when he reached the finals of his first local championship, to indicate that he was proud of his education in Claréos (Javisé), his municipality of origin.

Krasnoskan Matronymic

Families of ascendance from the various “soviet-esque” regions such as Krasnoska and or Pokéverse!Russia, follow a naming scheme inspired by IRL Eastern_Slavic_naming_customs, with the difference that instead of a patronymic what is applied is a Matronymic as is more common in some border Eastern Europe nations, such as Rumania. These communities descended from immigrant are more concentrated in the Cholcone Residential Belt.

For example, Matja Zaveḱ's legal name is Matja Celinyova Zaveḱ after her mother Celina Teroska, instead of Matja Evgenyevna Zaveḱ after her father Evgeny. Similarly, Celina Teroska's legal name is Celina Alvichna Teroska after her late mother Alva. All of Matj'a legal documents incorporate the matronymic, including her Trainer's License. Matja's chidren, if any, would likely carry the matronymic of Matjovich (male) or Matjovna (female).

Mark of Cadrícea

Inhabitants of Suocé who were born within the Cadrícea Sovereignty to at least one parent also native to the Sovereignty, can at any time once they become Trainers opt in to add “Cadrical” as a second name to their given name(s). The name Cadrical is reserved in Suocéan law for this sole purpose, except when used as a first name (so it is legal for a Suocéan Trainer born in Cadrícea to be named Cadrical Cadrical Rojas).

For example, were Adanei Varan to adopt the name she would become Adanei Cadrical Varan Tereses. A person with more than one given name would add “Cadrical” as the second name, thus Juan Antonio Tereses, son of the Tereses family, would become Juan Cadrical Antonio Tereses.

This tradition was born in the early days when Cadrícea was annexed to the region of Suocé, and the then legal counsels of the city around the Shrine all decided to change their legal name to “Cadrical” as a way to remind to the region that they had been chosen into their positions first by their local community independent of the fact that the Suocé government reaffirmed those positions. The custom itself was common in the 3500s but has since largely fell into disuse, with less than 10% of current inhabitants of the Sovereignty using this special name.

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