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A Good Year to Rawr


  • A Salamence has found himself a nice island to lord and prey over. What is he going to do with this glorious find? Why, he's gonna sleep on it and have a nice and relaxed time of course!



The story follows Taverna the Salamence for a duration of about one year while he lives in Isla Triángulo. The story has four scenes, each of them featuring one season:

  • End of Winter” features Taverna hiding in a cave for hibernation and musing on his first adventures as a Salamence as he listens to the rain outside. The scene also describes two other relevant inhabitants of the island: a large tree referred to as “The Tall One”, and another slumbering dragon in the island.
  • Nascent Spring” features a few Pokémon such as Rockruff and Krookodile fighting over a food source on one of the escarpments of the island; however their scuffle is interrupted by a roar and a Steam Blast as Taverna divebombs the scene, knocking off the other Pokémon and appropriating the escarpment as the island's apex predator.
  • Late Summer” features Taverna enjoying the beach and harassing a few Krabby, when his attempt at picking one of them for food is interrupted by trees going haywire. Taverna inspects the area to find a human Trainer, one of the few regular visitors to the island, and her team as they are wandering about and gathering fruits and berries, and Taverna decides to attempt and extract tribute from the group.
  • Opening of Autumn” features Taverna flying to the skies above the island, as he goes to meet the other dragon inhabitant of the island who has also woken up from their nap. The other dragon is revealed to be Rayquaza and Taverna has the great idea of meeting him up and introducing himself by way of combat.



The only location featured in the story is Isla Triángulo which is only described in broad strokes as the island that Taverna found and took over. The culmination of the story goes into the airspace around the island presuming an altitude of about ~2 km.



The story can be placed in a floating timeframe in the The Present Era sometime during the years of 3733 PE(~0 after Gen1) (when Rayquaza arrived to the island after his confrontation with Kyogre and Groudon) and/or 3734 PE(~1 after Gen1) when Isla Triángulo was raided by the Emisre corporations.

A Good Year To Rawr
A Good Year To Rawr
A Salamence has found himself a nice island to lord and prey over. What is he going to do with this glorious find? Why, he's gonna sleep on it and have a nice and relaxed time of course!
Primary: PokéCommunity (SWC 2021);
Others: Archive of Our Own, Thousand Roads (2022)
fantasy, folklore
Taverna, Ibrina Madis, Rayquaza

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