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The Suocéverse Wiki

Hi everyone, I’m Venia Silente, a Pokémon fanfic author, developer and, as I like to call myself, “consulting worldbuilder”. I have been writing Pokémon fanfiction since at least 2008, periodic developments until Cuasi Legendario (2012) opened up the path for a long-term development of themes, theories, headcanons and plots that eventually coalesced into a setting of its own:

The Suocéverse

In short, “The Suocéverse” is the Pokémon ‘verse where most if not all of my stories take place.

If you are asking yourself what a ‘verse is, the best definition I can give that would be one of the combination of elements of worldbuilding that define a unique setting such that the setting can be shared across different production works - be it TV shows (think Buffyverse), movies (think the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies), and now fanfic (think-well, you’re here…). Thus this document and wiki describe a “Suocéverse”, that being the chosen name of the shared setting I've come up with.

So, what is the Suocéverse like? Well, to quote from the development primer

“A world inhabited by humans and creatures they call Pokémon; they work together for balance, glory and fun following an ancient covenant - humans provide the goals and Pokémon provide the power to realize them.”

This ‘verse is my personal interpretation of the Pokémon franchise - a blend of various Pokémon canons, albeit with some concepts and mechanics strongly adapted, incorporating material from sources such as PokéSpé, trading card games and the PMD spinoffs. It's also a reference-rich world, with various concepts from other franchises adapted for shout outs or homages.


This documentation wiki is being built from a lot of sources and it is primarily and heavily a work in progress. You might be interested in the quick&dirty brief if you want a first look at what is it about, the Worldbuilding Index index so that you can get right to the various topics and features of the setting, or the Suoceverse Primer if you want a deeper look of the setting and how it is built.

Current Events

November 2022

October 2022

August 2022

March 2022

  • Beyond Today has been cross-published to the WAAPT Forum and to the Thousand Roads Forum.

February 2022

  • Setting up a crossover with JoshtheWriter (FFN, AO3) for an upcoming Legends Arceus story.
  • Updated wiki pages with information on the characters and events of the PMD side of Suocéverse (wrt.: Gates to Infinity).

August 2021

  • Cross-posted Overlord to Canalave Library and Thousand Roads. Announcement.

July 2021

March 2021

November 2020

  • I've joined Rise to the Top, a post-by-post roleplay running on PokéCommunity. For this adventure I'm running a new iteration of Ravir Eisenhorth. Announcement pending.
  • I've been requested to assist project “Pokémon Platinum 2” via PokéCommunity. The scheduled goal is assisting in screenwriting and scripting of scenes for a new beta build.

October 2020

  • Upgraded the wiki backend.

August 2020

July 2020

  • New Content - Published Sabres in the Sandstone to Archive of our Own and the WAAPT Forum. Featuring Absent Coder's characters. The wiki page is updated to reflect the links. (Announcement pending)

Old News


Frequent Categories

Trivia of the Day

Steven Stone is the first Trainer in approx. 2 million years to train an [[bp>Anorith]].


If you want to collaborate, take a look at contact information on the left so that you can request access to the development documents, or send questions to any of the channels pointed out in Ask.

Worldbuilding Elements

Published Material

Translations of this page?:

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