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This article refers to the in-universe version of PEFE and with its source incarnation. For the project proper see:
PEFE home page | external articles regarding PEFE.

PEFE” (“Pokédex Encyclopedia Framework Extension”) is a special organization in the Suocéverse, assembled ca. 3732 PE with the goal of collecting lost documentation, local myth and general misinformation that had spread about Pokémon species in the recent years and compiling and verifying the information so as to foster the relationship between humans and Pokémon given the aftermath of the Fall of Pokefutures. It was one of the two projects Professor Samuel Oak worked in since his retirement from the position of Champion of Kanjoh.

This article deals with Suocéverse Lore and other background elements.
It should be considered semicanon, subject to change as the Pokémon franchise delivers more content.
(Check the for other such material)


Circa 3728 PE, trainers roaming Hoenn would find the first hints of poacher activity that would later lead to an underground investigative effort leading to Angela. A group of Trainers who went to the region ended up unveiling the activities of Pokefutures, leading to the disbandment of the organization, and with it to the fall of the entire region of Angela.

Over the next few years, organizations like the Pokémon International Police carried out a worldwide hunt for both the staff and assets of Pokefutures, causing great imbalance in the trainer marketplace, the scientific community and the Sovereignties hosted in some regions. Still, important assets of the conglomerate remained unaccounted for and threatened to put the relationship between humans and Pokémon under severe strain as some of those assets landed in projects like Cipher, Project Megarig and the Determinants of Baronesia.

A year or two before the events of G1/G3, the PIP and some of the most renowned researchers in the world came to a conclusion: as long as valuable Pokefuture assets remained and large and important information about Pokémon species and myth was lost or misunderstood, the world was in a tense position where a spark could ignite a disaster in the scale of the old Kalos War. Various efforts were started to palliate the issue; one of them was to select a group of young researchers with attitude, who would assume direct control of some of the assets recovered from Pokefutures, clean them, vet them and use them to assist in new research on Pokémon on the field, with the intent of bringing young Trainers and wild Pokémon closer to each other. Young researcher Tangent was chosen to lead this particular effort which took the name of “Encyclopedia Framework Extension”.

The fears of the old Pokémon Profs were proven correct with events such as the Siege of Mirtadenal in 3735 PE and shortly after the rise of Team Galactic in 3736 PE, as well as other threats emerging in the sidelines such as the activities of Cipher and the Determinants of Baronesia, all of which proved that the dangerous knowledge and technology researched by Pokefutures was still at large and people with villainous intent were not afraid to use it.

Even though PEFE as an organization remained mostly concerned with repurposing Pokefutures tech and regaining trust, publishing various information about Pokémon and pushing upstream changes to the various regions' local Pokédex forks, ever since the events in G4 the higher staffers of PEFE have taken a more active role in hunting down former Pokefutures assets, which eventually led to the creation of a small, informal militia of Trainers hunting down Cipher and Emisre remnants known as the “J-Squad”.



PEFE as an organization in-universe draws mostly from its analogue from WAAPT, itself the original “in-universe” incarnation of the organization. Most base details are retained: they are born from the remnants of Pokefutures, answer to the cool old Profs, have Tangent as the headmaster and focus on “fixing” some of the information in the Pokédex and spreading those fixes to the various regions.

A core difference between WAAPT's (original timeline) PEFE and the Suocéverse PEFE is that the WAAPT PEFE is much more MegaCorp-y, reaching a level that is comparable to Aperture Science in terms of assets and applications; on the other hand, the Suocéverse PEFE sees much harsher oversight and is only recently starting to use some of the assets that have been recovered; in particular, Suocéverse PEFE HQs would probably be closer to the WAAPT Other!verse HQ or the Old PEFE HQ in the original timeline. Similarly, Suocéverse PEFE does not maintain close contact with Legendary Pokémon with the possible exception of Reshiram and Zekrom post-G5 due to their status as dignitaries of the Dragonspiral Moors Sovereignty, whereas WAAPT!PEFE literally has Kyogre napping in a cavern and playing videogames under their main base of operations (Suocéverse Kyogre is much less amicable, alas).