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TAG: worldbuilding

"The Vow" “The Vow” is an element of the Suocéverse : it is the ancient covenant laying the groundwork for humans and Pokémon to work together, and is basicall…
Abilities Reintroduction Abilities are one of the “flatter” components of the Pokémon battle engine. They are, basically, per-species defined elements that pr…
ALUCE ALUCE is the codename for the first permanent civil research base established on the Pokémon World's Moon, during the The Present Era. The name stands fo…
Ancient History Over time the Pokémon World has gone through a number of Eras, with only the latest iteration being understood as the “recent history” of the S…
Angela The region of Angela is a fanon region originating from WAAPT that exists in the Suocéverse and is located in the same continent, but opposite side, as …
Black Thumb Gang The organization called Black Thumb Gang (: “Pulgar Negro”) is a group dedicated to kidnapping and ransom that operated in Suocé and Caledoria…
Cadrícean Widefields The Sovereignty of the Cadrícean Widefields, also called simply Cadrícean Sovereignty or Cadrícea, is a portion of land that covers much o…
Cadrícean Widefields The Sovereignty of the Cadrícean Widefields, also called simply Cadrícean Sovereignty or Cadrícea, is a portion of land that covers much o…
Caledoria Caledoria is one of the regions of the Mainline World of the Suocéverse. It is the southern neighbor of the Suocé region. It is a long and cold regio…
Canon Divergences This article lists a number of notable canon divergences between the mainline Pokémon continuities (Gen games, PMD games, TCG game and anime)…
Champion The “Champion” of a Region, sometimes called the “Regional Champion”, is the citizen and Trainer considered to be at the peak of their rank, an artist…
Conference Champion A Conference Champion, sometimes shortened to “League Champion” or “Champion” when ambiguity is not an issue, is a Trainer who has won and …
Cosmogony This article introduces some details about the cosmogony of the Suocéverse in-universe. Canon offers very little to go on besides the in-game myths, …
Demonym A Demonym, in Spanish demónimo or gentilicio, is a word used to indicate the origin, nationality or birthplace of a person. The tables below show a nu…
Dimensions -- “Dimensions”, “realms” or “'verses” – whatever one wants to call them, could be considered as separate instances, timelines or even continuities …
Dragonspeak Dragonspeak (“Dranoskh” in the native tongue to be verified) is a Languages that some Dragons speak in the Suocéverse. It is intimately tied to the…
Dragonspiral Moors Sovereignty The Sovereignty of Dragonspiral Moors is a territory within the Unova Region that is inhabited and ruled primarily by dragon typ…
Dragonspiral Tower See on Bulbapedia: Dragonspiral Tower “Dragonspiral Tower” is an edification of undetermined origin that exists in the north-west area of U…
Drao Suocéverse Lore semicanon “Drao” is the Dragon Trio (Creation Trio)'s first fully-abled sapient creation, and from which they created the draconic Pokémon …
Egg Groups Egg Groups are biological categories that Pokémon species are slotted into that determine which species can they interbreed with. The mechanical d…
Egg Groups Egg Groups are biological categories that Pokémon species are slotted into that determine which species can they interbreed with. The mechanical det…
Emisre Emisre is a region the Suocéverse Mainline World, located in the same continent that hosts Orre and Angela and in inspiration terms a bit of a stand-in …
Evolution Pokémon can undergo “Evolution”, a process in which they suffer a sudden, systemic and long-term transformation into a new shape often called evoluti…
EX Branding “EX Branding”, also sometimes called “EX Promotion”, is the process by which a Pokémon with supernatural (eg.: Ho-Oh) or divine (eg.: the Lake Trio…
Fall of Pokefutures The “Fall of Pokefutures” refers to a series of events taking place in the timeframe from to , primarily in the region of Angela and that …
Fastest Pokémon Lore semicanon General information about the speeds Pokémon can achieve in the Suocéverse. Running Speed In the mainline Pokéverse, Berecien (…
Guest Starring The Suocéverse being a half-open, half-shared Pokémon fanon continuity in the works, counts with several elements that have been shared with oth…
Hierarches The Hierarches of Dragonspiral Tower (from hierarch, “one with high authority in sacred things”) are three Pokémon-EX who assist Reshiram and Zekrom…
Human Species Humans are a kind of creatures living in the Pokémon world. We know them mostly well - they are, essentially, humans. The “furless bipedal apes w…
Krasnoska Krasnoska is one of the regions of the Pokémon World in the Suocéverse, and it is intended to be an analogue of sorts to classic, vintage Russia. It …
La Plancha Sovereignty The Sovereignty of La Plancha is a quasi-independent Pokémon territory that spans the entirely of the forested mesa of the same name, ri…
Lapine Lapine (“Naylte” in the native tongue) is the Languages that some Nidoran colonies speak in the Suocéverse. It is drawn from Lapine language which rabbi…
Legendary Pokémon Canon does not exactly define what makes a Legendary Pokémon in internal terms; however, it is important to note that the term “Legendary Pok…
List of Species worldbuilding pokédex lists
Lév Lév is the handle Dreis uses outside of Emisre, as his society frowns upon using one's given name until one has returned to their birthplace to marry or cl…
Mainline World The “Mainline World” is the Earth-like world of the Suocéverse analogue to the “Pokémon world” in Pokémon; that is, the world with humans where …
Millalobo “Millalobo” is a name taken by various members of a lineage of Variant Pokémon of the Popplio line during the Previous Era and the The Present Era of…
Morph “Morph” is the name given in the Suocéverse to a discrete evolutive stage or to a given Forme; in the first sense it is basically equivalent to the term …
Move A move is a special skill or technique a Pokémon uses for combat. For most information on moves on the franchise see Bulbapedia on "Move". This article on…
Museum Dimension Suocéverse Lore semicanon The “Museum Dimension”, also referred to as the “Primeval Dimension”, is a rumored Dimension where Arceus lives, and …
v3rc3Mar 2017 Nidoran Line Morphs [Oak Catalog #] * Nidoran♀ [#029] * Nidorina [#030]' * Nidoqueen [#031] * Nidoran♂ [#032] * Nidorino [#033]' * …
v3rc3Mar 2017 Nidoran Line Morphs [Oak Catalog #] * Nidoran♀ [#029] * Nidorina [#030]' * Nidoqueen [#031] * Nidoran♂ [#032] * Nidorino [#033]' * …
Omixence Omixence is a fanon region in development. It is located in the tropical belt of the mainline Suocéverse world and partly functions as a Poké!Belize a…
Omnicrystal An Omnicrystal, or depending of the species an Omnisac, is a physiological feature that Pokémon have that allows them to interact with Typed Energy…
Original Dragon The “Original dragon” is a canon background concept that originates in Generation V and is related to the trio of dragons Reshiram, Zekrom and …
Original Pokémon Original Pokémon, sometimes called Fakémon are, strictly speaking, non-official Pokémon. The term is usually overloaded to mean any combinatio…
Overdrive Overdrives, sometimes called Limit Breaks in development stages, is a special element that encompasses the idea of special, superpowered moves much l…
PEFE source incarnation PEFE home pageexternal articles regarding PEFE “PEFE” (“Pokédex Encyclopedia Framework Extension”) is a special organization in the Su…
PEFE Articles Since 2010 or something... a good time ago, anyway, I am a member and contributor to the Pokédex Extended Fanon Edition Project or PEFE for short…
PEFE Articles Since 2010 or something... a good time ago, anyway, I am a member and contributor to the Pokédex Extended Fanon Edition Project or PEFE for short…
PMD World The “PMD World” or “Mystery Dungeon World” is the world as portrayed in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon subfranchise. Geography The world follows in l…
Pokefutures Pokefutures (note the lack of é) is a multinational corporation and conglomerate that exists in the Suocéverse prior to the events of G1/G3. They p…
Pokémon Biology General What even are Pokémon? We just don't know. In franchise canon, Pokémon are at best described as creatures that inhabit the Pokémon wor…
Pokémon per-Species Trivia A listing of various trivia entries, semi-canon worldbuilding propositions and minor details about the various Pokémon in the settin…
Pokémon per-Species Trivia A listing of various trivia entries, semi-canon worldbuilding propositions and minor details about the various Pokémon in the settin…
Pokémon Variations Pokémon can change themselves or be born or created with particular differences from the norm of the species. There are a number of Pokémon …
Pokémon Variations Pokémon can change themselves or be born or created with particular differences from the norm of the species. There are a number of Pokémon …
Pokémon-EX A Pokémon-EX “”“” is a Pokémon specimen who has undergone a particular kind of transformation or variation. In this case, the Pokémon in question ha…
Pokémon-EX A Pokémon-EX “”“” is a Pokémon specimen who has undergone a particular kind of transformation or variation. In this case, the Pokémon in question ha…
Previous Era The period of time understood as “The Previous Era” Timeline of the Suocéverse preceded what is understood as the The Present Era and can be under…
Protector Suocéverse Lore semicanon The term “Protector” is a distinction given to certain specimens of Legendary Pokémon across at least the The Present Era of…
Purge Purges were periodic events during the Ancient History of the Pokémon World. They consisted of the systematic eradication of much of the Pokémon World's …
Página Principal Inglés / English Bienvenidos, soy Venia Silente, un autor de fanfics de Pokemon, desarrollador literario y, como me gusta llamarme a veces, “c…
Regions of the World The Present Era Suocéverse-Specific Major regions include Suocé, Caledoria and Emisre. A more complete listing can be found in navigation…
Rondovia TITLE is one of the regions of the Pokémon World in Mainline Suocéverse. It is the easternmost and largest region of the continent in the southern hem…
Sovereignty aka: Sovereign Land. Some areas of the Pokémon World are left for Pokémon to inhabit, colonize and organize independently, outside of overall huma…
Suocé Suocé is one of the regions of the Mainline World of the Suocéverse, and in terms of development the region that gives the setting its name. It is locate…
Suocé Naming Customs This mostly covers human names. Across the region of Suocé there are a number of naming customs and schemas taken by various families and…
The Present Era The period of time understood as “The Present Era” in the Timeline of the Suocéverse is the one that covers the last ~3700 yr of history of the…
Timeline of Mainline World Broad strokes timeline of the Suocéverse's Mainline World, that is the “trainerverse” that maps to the default world where the mainl…
Trainer's Leave "See also: Trainer's Journey" “Trainer's Leave” is what the first instance of a youth's Trainer's Journey is called most of the time. Unlike …
Trainers' Journey Aaaah. The Hero’s Journey, only institutionalized, mass-produced, pretty low-stakes - and only becoming more of an adventurous hero thing, wo…
Type A type is an attribute that material creatures like Pokémon and the energy they use have in the Pokémon world. It affects Move and abilities. For most inf…
Typed Energy Energy in flowing form has type (or rather, Type) and some Pokémon are more attuned to draw in, synth or convert given types of energy. The distin…
Ubuntu Release Names Description of how the codenames for Ubuntu work in Mainline Suocéverse. See: <> Abstract fr…
Unavailable Pokémon The following Pokémon are unavailable in natural conditions during the Present Era history of the Mainline World: * All Fossil Pokémon: …
Unavailable Pokémon The following Pokémon are unavailable in natural conditions during the Present Era history of the Mainline World: * All Fossil Pokémon: …
Variant (Pokémon category) redirects worldbuilding glossary
Warring Triad Suocéverse Lore semicanon The “Warring Triad” was the name given during some of the Previous Eras to the trio of Legendary Pokémon Kyogre, Groudon…
Worldbuilding Index This is an index of various worldbuilding-related topics, including themes and features of the Suocéverse setting. Suocéverse Elements The…
Zero Registry Spoilers! Suocéverse The “Registro Cero” (“Zero Registry” in English), also called the Level Zero Threat Assessment Brief, was one of the darkest …
Ísparus Draconic Claim " Use the regional map in Suocé (open it in new tab) to follow locations. " The name refers to a conflict between the La Plancha Sover…

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