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TAG: lists

Ask Interested in asking questions about the Suocéverse and or current projects? Maybe want to proofread, beta read or edit master some materials? Or want …
Awards and Nominations <phpwikify> $a1= “Sixth”; $dest= ':hist:'.$a1; $outp= “${dest}”; $notext= “:!:”; $tba= false; $tbatext= “ ”; switch(strtolower($a1)) { c…
Character Listings Characters in . Protagonists Matja Zaveḱ -- Thom Eisenhorth -- Adanei Varan Antagonists Determinants of Baronesia -- Ravir Eisenhorth -…
Characters Topical list of characters: ---------- Or navigate any of the following quick access templates: lists
Characters: Pokémon List of pages tagged as Pokemon (Pokémon). For an organized listing check . Contrast . Pokémon Guest Starring: To create a Pokémon char…
Devel List of articles tagged as devel: development information, including working docs, worldbuilding details, technical documents, etc. Most of these documen…
Dimensions -- “Dimensions”, “realms” or “'verses” – whatever one wants to call them, could be considered as separate instances, timelines or even continuities …
Elite Four The “Elite Four” is the name given to a group of four Trainers considered the strongest of a regional Conference circuit besides the conference's Ch…
External Content not Works Contributed to: * PEFE Articles - pseudoscientific articles written about Pokémon. * Wild Pokémon in the Big City - the roleplay…
Glossary Glossary of terms that are Suocéverse-specific or have notorious divergences from canon. * Abilities * ALUCE * CARDINAL * Champion * Claim…
Guest Starring The Suocéverse being a half-open, half-shared Pokémon fanon continuity in the works, counts with several elements that have been shared with oth…
Legendary Pokémon Canon does not exactly define what makes a Legendary Pokémon in internal terms; however, it is important to note that the term “Legendary Pok…
List of Pokémon This is an auto-generated page that lists all Pokémon (stages or morphs) that exist in the Suocéverse. :!: This includes baseline information (…
List of Pokémon This is an auto-generated page that lists all Pokémon (stages or morphs) that exist in the Suocéverse. :!: This includes baseline information (…
List of Species worldbuilding pokédex lists
Original Pokémon Original Pokémon, sometimes called Fakémon are, strictly speaking, non-official Pokémon. The term is usually overloaded to mean any combinatio…
Pokémon Listing This is a listing of Pokémon who have their individual information subpages in this wiki. p index meta lists
Pokémon per-Species Trivia A listing of various trivia entries, semi-canon worldbuilding propositions and minor details about the various Pokémon in the settin…
Pokémon per-Species Trivia A listing of various trivia entries, semi-canon worldbuilding propositions and minor details about the various Pokémon in the settin…
Publication Index Listing of stories and fiction that take part of the Suocé-verse. Note this list does not comprise non-fiction material such as treatises a…
Regions of the World The Present Era Suocéverse-Specific Major regions include Suocé, Caledoria and Emisre. A more complete listing can be found in navigation…
“S” can refer to a number of things in Suocéverse: * The index key for species, see sp. * The character referred to as “S”, see "S". * The operational co…
Timeline of Mainline World Broad strokes timeline of the Suocéverse's Mainline World, that is the “trainerverse” that maps to the default world where the mainl…
Trope List This section is a listing of tropes in use in various Suocéverse works, offered here freely to collect a local archive that can also be used at vari…
Worldbuilding Index This is an index of various worldbuilding-related topics, including themes and features of the Suocéverse setting. Suocéverse Elements The…
FIXME Esta página no está completamente traducida, aún. Por favor, contribuye a su traducción. (Elimina este párrafo una vez la traducción esté completa) Índic…

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